Black woman who has 19 feet hair locs, the longest hair locs in the world!

Long Neat Dreadlocks

I’m always amazed when I hear great news…. I’m impressed
when I hear good news. But I’m very stunned when out of
it all…there’s a story talking about something out of the ordinary.
That’s what sparks attention like fireworks lighting up the
sky and the boom that you can feel outside from it.

So let me introduce you to Asha Mandela, who is a black woman.
She has the longest hair locs in the world which makes her an
official Guinness World Record holder.

Her locs measure 19 feet,6 inches… forget waist length hair….
waist length hair ain’t got nothing on this woman. Her hair weighs
4 pounds when it is dry.

Asha says locs are more than a hairstyle, it’s a way of life and
expression of self.

I quote her as saying this” When I started growing my locks, I
suddenly became very overprotective of them, as I felt they beheld
all my energy, wisdom, knowledge and understanding and my over
all strength. So I twisted, groomed, and maintained them for the present,” she said in a recent interview by

To take such care of such long length requires a heck of a lotta time
and a lot of products. See how many bottles of shampoo she uses
to wash her hair.

She uses Allways Natural Isogro Conditioning Hairdress… Question
Is there something in that bottle that makes her hair grow like a
bean stalk? No just kidding, I don’t know. I know I hear a lot of
how dreadlocks cause the hair to grow…

I always wonder if dreadlocks get split ends because they fit
so tightly together like puzzle pieces.

I was contemplating hair locks.I have family members with hair locks
and it looks like it don’t shrink that much.

Do you know of people wearing hair locks? Do you want to
lock your hair?

My fashion do’s and don’ts…..that’s how I roll!!!

Braided Updo

Here’s just what I don’t like about fashion:

Socks with sandals. The purpose of sandles is to
show off beautiful feet. It’s kinda like an oxymoron
bittersweet… can one go with the other?
I know sometimes opposites attract….but not
always and not in this case!

Silver and gold….There are just somethings that just
don’t go together. I’ve never really like silver earrings
to go with gold bracelets. It just clash to me!

I don’t really like dresses that are just a layer of
ruffles. They have a look like folded bags.

I can’t stand coca cola bottle glasses. Wireframes
are a bore. I will switch to plastic. They are more

There are times where I don’t like flat shoes…like
when the first half of the shoe is flat straight…so
hard to explain.

I don’t like wigs or weaves on me….I wear bare hair.
After all, I’ve heard so many people online talk about
their bad micros and tracks getting their hair stuck
in their weaves….then I was glad I never was into
micros and tracks. After all, I’m just warning people
that crap caused some serious damage to people
giving them alopecia……I’m going to just warn yall
that it can’t be avoided….if someone is putting heat
on the hair everyday or doing a color, relaxer and a hot
comb or putting a chemical plus heat or too much of
one or both it will cause serious lost….that’s why
I NEVER did this….I heard too many bad experiences..

Plus anyways, I’m not obsessed with superstraight
hair….That’s a problem that cause people to lose
hair….If you ain’t born with it…no problem……
It’s better to have healthy hair……but the bald
look ain’t for everyone. Some men look awful with
it and some women do but some just got it like
that so they can do that!

I don’t trust relaxers and chemicals….if it ain’t
aloe vera gel, coconut oil, castor oil, or anything
natural, I’m like a detective looking at it as guilty
of not being good enough for my HAIR!
I want the best hair and I’m working on it.
It’s getting softer in all this naturalness.

I don’t wear booty shorts…they show too much
and gotta keep more to the imagination…. There
are plenty of ways to look your sexiest without
over indulging on showing it off. The sexiest is
to keep alot to the imagination…

I HATE to wear pants in the summer/spring and
sometimes fall depending on the temperature.
I seriously got to get some more shorts.
I can relax in shorts. Pants make me tired…
But I do it for church and special places
that require I look like a nun!!

What I like….

I got this fetish for tube tops and tank tops
but it’s offensive to the elderly. Some people can
be so old fashion….I think it leaves enough to
the imagination….it just that old folks can’t stand

I love spandex….it’s my favorite type of bottom
to wear….I could start a spandex collection.

I like stuff with stripes and dots, a shirt with a light
blue and dark blue mixed in or green with dark green.

I like bags, fashionable and pretty bags….They
look better than BOOK bags….I already look like
a teenager so I ditched the bookbag and instead used the
fashion bag during Summer semester of college!
I felt it looks more mature on me….Since I am
23 years old I had to update my style and am
forever done with bookbags! I don’t like em’
I don’t want to see one on me!

Anyways, I had to find a big bag to put my books in. It was
stressful caring it around in a purse. Then
taking it out and uploading for the next
set of classes. All I had to do was just reach right in,
unlike with a bookbag that you have zip open. I just made
it easier on myself! I could see right in. Thank you God for that

African beads is a true craft from Black people!

African Bead Decor

I love to see what my black people do. I’m always watching.
African American, African, Jamaican and what ever other type
of black people there are… eyes are on us. I just love
all the arts n crafts that comes out of Africa. I love the way
our Black people do hair.

There’s no limit to the greatness we do. If I had a tv
show, it would be called Black Legacy talking about all
the black inventors, black accomplished, educated
folks that’s putting racists to shame.

A lot of South African women use beads for survival.
Beads are the way they support themselves while
their families are not present.

They even have wire art. If you tourist somewhere like
South Africa, that’s where you can find a lot of this
craft. These people creating these forms of wire art
are Zimbabweans who have left their country
due to political instability and not being able to
earn money there. They support family, and what is
unity? UNITY is power. Unity is like a powerful

This Black Man, who is a college graduate, is proud to admit he only wants a Black woman!!!

President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama

I’m always thinking about unique black men. I always see
so many handsome black men but they are so handsome
ofcourse because of their black dna.

But anyways, I found an article of a black man who only
dates black women. This is like all the treasure in the
world. He is a very educated man, graduated from a
University in Atlanta Georgia with a Bachelor of
Arts Degree in Business Management.

He has a great job at a big corporation and bought
a house. He is a successful BLACK man who only wants
a BLACK woman.

He talks about the fact that black women are such strong
beautiful women and such royalty.

With all that, he really impressed me. I mean I am deeply
impressed that he only date black women. Yet, those other
qualities add to it.

He is a genuine black man who really impresses me.
He describes Black WOMAN as a Virtuous woman.
He deserves a royal throne and he is a KING. I”m sure
he got the best of everything anyways.

I mean that’s the best type of black man to have is a
black man who ONLY dates black women. I gotta find
me another article of a black man saying this. I will
collect articles like this. THe only relationships I care
about personally is black on black, keeping it black!

There’s how to’s for African Head Wrap of People, but this is how to make the African Wrap Doll!

Black sleepy-eye doll

Everyday I hear something new…There are African head wraps….
then there are African Wrap dolls. I heard of Black dolls
but not African Wrap dolls until now. It’s made in a very
beautiful image to compliment the
beautiful image black people walk around with.

Angela Briggs is the diligent young woman creating
these African wrap dolls to reflect her history and her
love for nature and recycling. She searches through outdoors
for branches,twigs, leaves,pods,etc. And we know how much
our fellow African peoples love wearing nature. But yes,
she uses those as acecessories for her dolls and gathers
beads and buttons from the nearest thrift store. We know
that thrift stores can carry the best stuff, both new and

She searches throughout fabric dumpsters for scraps and
remnants to be used as filler and also for the dolls’
clothing. Briggs teaches about her craft at an art center,
The Pasadena Art Armory.

How to Create a Doll Wrap, come on people, lets be a

Get your tools out

yarn-lint-cloth(18 inch square, 5 inch square, 20 inch square)-bottle
(8 oz. Aleene’s Tacky Glue or glue gun beads and shells-beads and
shells-seeds-buttons-baskets- wire-branches-pine needles-synthetic
hair-fabric trim-raffia-leather trim

– To create the head, put a ball of lint in the middle of a small square
of cloth. Gather the cloth together and tie a piece of yarn around it,
while the remainder hangs out. To create the body, do the same
process again with a large square of cloth around the bottle. The
leftover material will make the arms of the doll.

-Put the head on top of the body and tighten it with yarn by
criss crossing the yarn over the shoulders and around the waist until
the cloth cannot be seen. Keep on wrapping the yarn up and around
the neck, continue down to the waist.

-Continue on the arms, and then work to the end of your arm, wrapping
the yarn around until you can’t see the cloth. Wrap it around the waist
and tuck the end of the yarn into the body.

In order to wrap the garment, put a ball of glue in corner of the fabric.
Place glued fabric on the chest area and keep wrapping the fabric around
the chest under the arms, while creating folds to look as real as a
normal draped garment.

Use tacky glue to put on hair, beads,buttons, whatever else you want
to use as ornaments and facial features.

Bend the arms to create movement. Baskets, head wrap, and anything
else can be used creatively.

Oh and some tips you may need:

The sizes for each fabric is indeed approximate. At times, Angela uses
old blouses or scarves, and the measurements wind up being more or
less.Any fabric size will create a realistic draped garment is fine.

If the baskets are not there,you have the option to use large bottle tops or mussel shells.

If you recycle water, soda, and juice bottles, that can be used for the body.

Who knows? After seeing this, little children may want to see
themselves with the head wraps.They are a beautiful representation of us
black people. To me black dolls are another way of saying black pride,
especially if they look their best. Lastly, don’t you think these are a
good type of doll to make a good impression on children.
I mean one of my quotes I just thought of my head is this:
“You want to see good images? Make them!”

And the Fashion don’t stop.. My braided waves versus Afro wrap!!!

Sunday tea 004

I made sure to give myself expression….
If I had to caption this it would say:

I’m too mature for any nonsense!

Sunday tea 002


Keep it going!

Sunday tea 005

Caption: Sounds like a great idea!!

Well, in the first 3 pictures I braided my hair. I had
cornrows on the side I braided my hair in box
braids, the skinny braids. Then I took 3 skinny
braids, braided that into one braid and pinned
it with hair clips.

I bobby pinned the back….
I figure it would work because it’s an
updo and my mother says that updos
work for me..

Then I tied my scarf by wrapping it
around twice and tying it around in
a bow. I decided not to cover the
whole head….just part of the head.

Elegant Afro part 2 edited

One day I was wearing an afro and decided
to dress it up!

What determines curly or straight hair? I’ve always wondered this!!

MAC MakeUp

I have two types of hair. I have fine hair in the back and
really think and kinky hair at the top. My dad brings in the
fine hair and mom brings in the kinky hair.

So recently I’ve wondered what determines curly
hair or straight hair. An Australian group of scientists found
that trichohyalin tells whether your hair is straight or curly.

So for those who leave dna at a crime scene, they
will know their hair type.

Technology is so superb, they can even tell a baby’s
hair type before they are even before.

And digg this, they can possibly develop medications
that change hair texture without the use of perms
of straighteners. That sounds really interesting
but then if I ever see a medicine that changes
hair textures I would seriously investigate it
for health reasons. But anyways, I’m fine
with the hair texture God gave me.

I would hope this work for other people’s sake without
any side effects. I would hope this would be healthier.

I mean, who else wonders what determines straight and
curly hair? I know I’m not the only one…

How to Flatter African American Skin with Makeup Tips and Tricks!

How Cosmetics Flatters the Black Womans’ Skin

Photo Effects
Photo Effects

Makeup is there to enhance our facial features. Makeup makes
things so bright. And different makeup flatters different skin color.
For example, I could not see white as a good eye shadow for me.
Why? It does not flatter my eyes. It looks more like ashy skin.
And ofcourse we don’t want that. I’m not a fan of brown eyeshadow
either because it blends into my skin and does not look like I
have any on.

I mostly love the purples, reds, greens, and blue hues of eyeshadow.
Speaking of eyeshadow, My mom told me not to put on too much.
She say she don’t want me to look like a clown.

Therefore I tried a new method of putting on eyeshadow. Instead
of putting eyeshadow all at the top of my eye, I just put a line
of it just above my eyelashes.

And I make the line darker so I can avoid having too much

I love certain reds for my lips, but other reds make me look
like a clown. I like wild cherry lipstick with vitamin e. And
I just notice makeup with vitamin e on it.

I put on my wild cherry lipstick, then I put a little lip gloss
for extra shine. I blot my lipstick so it doesn’t have a heavy
layer either. That’s one of my mom suggestion.

I also found some makeup tips for Black women from a
site. Source at the bottom….

I tend to stay away from fake eyelashes because
like weave, if I didn’t grow it, I won’t wear it.

Makeup is an exception. I love makeup even
though I was not born wearing it.


– If you are the type to have a rich ebony complexion, most likely
you will have cool almost blue undertones. Yet, brown and caramel
have warm golden undertones.

– It’s best to pick from shades in your color spectrum and really
highly your features. Foundation has a way of looking different
on your skin than in a bottle or even a thumbnail palette.

– Do a sample test on your jawline and the inside of your
wrist to match up colors.

–Put on your makeup with a loose translucent powder. If you
are fortunate to have an even complexion, you won’t need the
foundation. Instead it’s best to go for a tinted moisturizer or
tinted powder over exposed skin.

-Give your cheekbones a contour with a sweep of blush.
Plums, currants and mauves will compliment a medium
to dark complexion. Caramel, honey, and apricot
will flatter a medium to light complexion.


If you don’t want to use blush, use a bronzer to go with your
warmer complexion. Dust a light coating on your face, contouring
at temples and cheekbones.

If you have an uneven skin color, contact a beauty expert
for suggestions ono a foundation that will even out
your skin tone. It is possible you can look good
with 2 colors, and when spread over just the right
spots, will produce the look you want.

Oilier skins do well with water based liquid foundations
and cream blush……

While drier skins benefit from cream formulas.

Iman is known for having diverse amounts of
makeup for African American skin shades.

It’s better to stay away from companies like MAC
because they have titanium dioxide. When it
warms on the skin, it makes the skin look
ashen, gray or olive green.

Afros are to be respected and worn with grace! See them here!

ASBOluv 09

afro-girl ASBOluv 2009

C7RC AfroType™ portrait

Brown Sugar

untitled stencil

Urban Meets Vogue

Afros are in style no matter what the trends are.
Afros are a fun way to express yourself. What
honor it is to have people making afros into

Afros to me are like the drum cymbals spread out wide.
It’s when they are spread out wide that gives them
their definition.
It is an art in itself, but then when people
start adding color and putting it to canvas,
that shows more emphasis! Enjoy

Tired of Regular Cornrows? Try the most detailed cornrows!

BABY CORNROWS Pictures, Images and Photos

Baby come first..want to do your sweet baby’s hair like this?
THe baby is adorable. I can’t get enough looking at black babies.
I love ya’ll

Invisible Cornrows w/ hair extensions Pictures, Images and Photos


cornrows into a heart Pictures, Images and Photos

And see the bottom part of her hair looks like it’s in a heart shape

cornrows w/rollerset Pictures, Images and Photos

See what you have to look forward to, when you grow your hair out?

Cornrows & Fro Pictures, Images and Photos

Calling all Afro and Braids fans, now you can have the blended style!! Sweet!

Freestyle Cornrows Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh look! It’s the cornrow swirl. Mesmerized yet?

Well everyone, so glad you came to my blog! I hope you
found something inspirational….

I know I am always searching for the best hairstyles,
not necessarily what celebs are wearing….

More like what I’m feeling in the moment.

I have this thing with cornrows. So I had to
just start this cornrow collection right here.

I’m impressed to see hair long enough to
cornrow, but I’m much more impressed
when the designs are not just regular.
Glad I found the above designs, which
are not just regular.

The above cornrow designs are the best.